At North Forty Road, it is our goal to make your site more visible to search engines so that they can more effectively index your site and therefore list your site in relevant searches. The major search engines all employ indexing techniques to ensure that they generate relevant results for their users. We can help make your site more accessible to the indexing algorithms.
That said, we can not promise you that your site will appear at the top of the page for any given search term. The search engines retain complete control of how they display results, and though they encourage strategies that assist their indexing programs to legitimately catalog your site, gaming the system with unethical practices can result in your site being flagged and removed from the indexes.
Our approach to SEO is designed to be effective, ethical and transparent. To that end, we follow these basic steps when we optimize your site:
1. First we analyze your site itself and take steps to optimize your code. This includes modifying your site to make sure that the important content about your organization or business is easily found by search engines. In addition, we will work with you to create a list of meaningful key phrases that will help us in this process.
2. Secondly, we will suggest additional strategies to improve your SEO. These strategies will generally include maintaining your site with fresh content, approaching relevant third parties to link to your site, and utilizing social media. All of these efforts can improve your site’s search rankings, but are dependent on regular on-going attention.
3. Finally, we will create metrics that will help measure the success of your SEO. Though we can provide raw statistical information, we also will ask you to survey your clients to get input on your web site and how they are finding you.
We believe that an effective SEO strategy can improve access to your site. But SEO is not magic. It is a set of strategies to improve your site’s structure and content and presence on the internet. We recommend a plan that includes regular attention to your site’s search engine optimization. We offer monthly, quarterly or annual plans to fit your needs and budget. With regular consultation and conversation, we can continue to refine your site’s results and improve its overall performance. Just like content, SEO works best when it is kept fresh and modified to accomodate new trends and techniques.
Feel free to contact us to discuss how we can help optimize your site.